Hazen Lab Masthead
Lab Director

Dr. Terry C. Hazen
UT/ORNL Governor's Chair Professor

Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Dept. of Microbiology
Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Genome Science and Technology
Bredesen Center

The University of Tennessee
Office: 325 John D. Tickle Engineering Building
Office: 851 Neyland Drive
Office: 507 SERF
Lab: 729 SERF
Knoxville, Tennessee 37996-2313
Cell: 707-631-6763
Phone: 865-974-7709
E-mail: tchazen@utk.edu

Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Office: 327 JIBS
Lab: 316 JIBS


Terry C. Hazen

UT/ORNL Governor's Chair Professor



Dominique C. Joyner

  • Research Associate III, UTK (Hazen lab manager)
  • Phone: UTK: 865-974-7658 Cell: 510-417-1623 ORNL: 865-241-4187
  • Office: 509C SERF
  • email: dcjoyner@utk.edu
  • CV
  • Education:


    Katie Walker

  • Research Associate III, UTK
  • Phone: 615-427-8531
  • Office: 509 SERF
  • email: kfitzge4@utk.edu
  • CV
  • Education:
    • Ph.D.in Energy Science and Engineering, ORII/Bredesen Center, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
    • BS in Microbiology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville



    Post-Doctoral Fellow


    Kurt Ash

  • Phone: 803-497-0316
  • Office: 512 SERF and 432 SERF
  • email: kash@utk.edu
  • CV
  • Education:





    Ann-Marie Harik

  • Ph. D. Student in Environmental Engineering
  • Phone: 859-396-1409
  • Office: 509 SERF
  • email: ann.marie.harik@gmail.com
  • CV
  • Education:


    Zabrenna G. Griffiths

  • Ph.D. student in Genome Science and Technology
  • Phone: (561) 628-8374
  • Office: 509 SERF
  • email: zgriffi3@vols.utk.edu
  • CV
  • Education:
    • B.S. in Environmental Science, Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University, Tallahasse, FL



    Isis Fukai

  • Ph.D. student in Bredesen Center
  • Phone: (740) 703-4442
  • Office: 512 SERF
  • email: ifukai@vols.utk.edu
  • CV
  • Education:
    • B.A. in Geology, High Honors Distinction, Oberlin College
    • M.S. in Geology, conc. metamorphic Petrology, Louisiana State University



    Diliya Murtazina

  • Ph.D. student in Bredesen Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Graduate Education
  • Phone: (217) 979-0515
  • Office: 509 SERF
  • email: dmurtazi@vols.utk.edu
  • CV
  • Education:
    • B.S. in Ecology and Environmental Management, Lomonosov Moscow State University
    • M.S. in Engineering in Energy Systems, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign




    Stina Daniel

  • Undergraduate Student Intern in Biochemistry and Cellular and Molecular Biology
  • Phone: (865) 441-3868
  • Office: 509 SERF, 329 1520 ORNL
  • email: sdanie64@vols.utk.edu
  • CV
  • Education: