- Peter McKay, 2020-2021. Currently: Lenoir City Human Resources
- Julian Fortney, 2008-2016. Currently: Hardware Reliability Engineer, Failure Analysis/Hardware Reliability Engineer, Failure Analysis, Google, Moutain View, CA
- Dr. Jil Geller, 2003-2011. Currently: Lead Bioprocessin Engineer, Kiverdi, Inc.,CA
- Dr. Sharon Borglin, 1999-2011. Currently: Principle Scientific Engineer at LBNL
- Dr. Hanna Woo, 2009-2011. Currently: Sceintist for Thermo
- Dr. Bonita Lam, 2009-2011. Currently: Bioinformatics Scientist, Agilent Technologies
- Dominique Joyner, 1999-2011. Currenlty: RA III in Hazen Lab at UTK
- Romy Chakraborty, 2008-2011. Currently: Ecology Department Head at LBNL
- Kelly Wetmore, 2008-2011. Currently: RA in Arkin Lab at LBNL
- Daniel Tarjan, 2009-2011. Currently: Ph.D. Student at
- Jordan Mar, 2008-2009. Currently: Ph.D. Student at UCSF
- Mary Singer, 2006-2009. Currently: Health Clerk, Alameda Science and Technology Institute
- Dr. Lauren Camp, 2007-2008. Currently: Diagnostic Parasitologist, Veterinary Medical Teachin Hospital, Univeristy of California at Davis.
- Kate Goldfarb, 2006-2008. Currently: Ph.D. student at University of Colorado
- Richard Phan, 2005-2007. Currently: Lab Manager- COVID Lab, Color. San Francisco, CA
- Rick Huang, 2002-2005. Currently: School/business Taiwan?
- Grace M. Castro, 1997-1999. Currently: Research Associate at Cerus Corporation, Concord, CA
- Luis Espinoza, 2000-2001. Currently:?
- Kurt AsH. 2020-Present. MTV.
- Maria Fernanda Campa Ayala. 2018-2020. NSF. Currently: Staff Scientist at National Nanotechnology Coordination Office
- Andrea M. Rocha. 2012-2016. ENIGMA. Currently: Scientist with GeoSyntec
- Sindhu Jagadamma. 2014-2016. ENIGMA. Currently: Associate Professor at University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture
- Stephen Techtmann. 2012-2015. Governor's Chair Program. Currently: Assistant Professor at Michigan Technological University
- Nagissa Mahmoudi. 2013-2014. Governor's Chair Program. Currently: Assistant Professor McGill University
- Jim Campbell. 2012-2013. ENIGMA. Currently: Associate Professor at Northwest Missouri State University
- Nicholas Ballor. 2011-2011. JBEI with Janet Jansson. Currently: Studying to be a Jesuit Priest
- Cindy Wu. 2007-2011. ERSP, SBR, Clean Beaches. Currently: looking.
- Kristin DeAngelis. 2007-2011. Seaborg Fellow and JBEI. Currently: Assistant Professor at Unversity of Massachusetts, Amherst
- Romy Chakarborty. 2005-2009. ERSP and VIMSS. Currently: Ecology Department Head at LBNL
- Tracy Letain. 2000-2003. Natural and Accelerated Bioremediation Research Program, Currently: Microbiologist with AquaBella Organic Solutions
- Sadhana Chauhan. LBNL, 2000-2001. Currently Assistant Professor, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston,
- Jorge Santo Domingo, SRS 1995-1998. Oak Ridge Institute for Science Education. Currently: Scientist US EPA Cinicinnati,OH.
- Albert Tien. 1996-1998. Oak Ridge Institute for Science Education. Currenlty: Corporate OH&S Manager at Holcim, Regional OH&S Manager N. America, UK, Trading, Nigeria and China at Holcim Group Support Ltd, Zurich, Switzerland
- Jill Dyken. 1995-1996. Oak Ridge Institute for Science Education. Currently:Staff Scientist, U.S. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Atlanta, GA
- Joann Radway. 1996-1997. Oak Ridge Institute for Science Education. Currently: Staff, School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, Sony Brook University.
- Geralyne López de Victoria. 1996-1998. Oak Ridge Institute for Science Education. Currently: Professor and Chair, Science Department, Midland Technical College, West Columbia, SC
- Robin Brigmon. 1994-1995. Oak Ridge Institute for Science Education. Currently: Senior Scientist, Savannah River National Laboratory, Aiken, SC
- Robert Gorden. 1994. Oak Ridge Institute for Science Education. Currently: Illinois Natural History Survey, Retired.
- John E. Wear. 1993. Oak Ridge Institute for Science Education. Currently: Professor, Cawtaba University, NC
- Michael Enzien. 1990-1993. Oak Ridge Associated Universities. Currently: Senior Research. & Development Specialist, DOW. Biocides, The Dow Chemical, Naperville, IL
- Joel Dougherty. 1989-1992. Oak Ridge Associated Universities. Currently: Enforcer, USEPA, TX
- Gary A. Toranzos. 1986-1988. National Institutes of Health Grant RR-02657-01, Currently: Professor, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, PR.
- Zabreena Griffiths. 2024. Started 8/2018. Title: Comparing the Response of the Indigenous Microbial Community to Native Crude Oil Amendment in Oxic versus Hypoxic Conditions. Genome Science and Technology Program. University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Finished: 08/2024
- Ann-Marie Harik. 2024. Started 6/2014. Title: Methanotroph Induced Bioaggregation In Sand. Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Finished: 08/2024
- Ye Li. 2024. Started: 5/2019. Title: Raw wastewater surveillance for SARS-CoV-2 over 42 weeks in two academic years in the University of Tennessee student residential buildings. Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Finished: 05/2024
- Katie F. Walker. 2024. Title: Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Microbial Communities in Contaminated Subsurface. Bredesen Center, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Finished 01/2024.
- Sa'ad Abd Ar Rafie. 2023. Title: A Systems Biology Approach to Exploring the Impacts of Prescribed Fires on Soil Microbial Communities in Southern Appalachian Forests: Insights into Burn Frequency, Fuel Types, and Microbial Dynamics. Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Chancellor’s Fellowship. Finished: 12/2023.
- Andrew D. Putt. December 2022. Title: The effects of physical and geochemical perturbation on small bacterial communities at a contaminated site with a focus on the model phylum Patescibacteria. Earth & Planetary Science, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Currently: Senior Scientist for Geosyntec Carey, NC.
- John Izaak Miller. December 2019. Potential adaptation of microbial communities in oxygen minimum zones for the rapid degradation of recalcitrant hydrocarbons. Bredesen Center, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Currently: Staff Scientist at National Nanotechnology Coordination Office.
- Maria Fernanda Campa. August 2018. Environmental impacts of biocides used in hydraulic fracturing. Bredesen Center, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Currently: Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee.
- Charles Paradis. December 2017. In situ characterization of hydraulic properties and microbial-mediated transformations of electron donors and acceptors in groundwater. Earth & Planetary Science, University of Tennessee. Currently: Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee.
- Hannah Woo. May 2017. The microbial ecology of bacterial lignocellulose degradation in the ocean. Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Tennessee. Currently: Thermo Fisher
- Jiang Liu. December 2016. Microbial Respiration and Community Response to Crude Oil in Deep Eastern Mediterranean and the Great Australian Bight. Microbiology, University of Tennessee. Currently: Seeking Post-Doc.
- Chunyi Chen. December 2015. Response of Microbial Community Structure to Clay Flocculation of Harmful Algal Blooms. Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Tennessee. Currently: Pharmaceutical Company
- Dara Goodheart. January 2014. University of California, Berkeley. Currently: Post-Doc.
- John E. Wear. December 1992. Environmental Diagnostic Analysis of Ground Water Bacteria and Their Involvement in Utilization of Aromatic Compounds. Biology, Wake Forest University. Currently: Professor, Cawataba University.
- Luis E. Jiménez. September 1989. Molecular Analysis of Deep Terrestrial Subsurface Bacteria. Biology, UPR-Rio Piedras. Currently: Pharmaceutical Industry. Lonza Inc., Fair Lawn, NJ
- Francisco A. Fuentes. July 1987. Petroleum Biodegradation in Tropical Near-Shore Coastal Waters: Effects of Environmental Factors on Oil Degraders Growth and Metabolic Activity. Biology, UPR-Rio Piedras. Currently Professor, University of Puerto Rico, Humacao, PR
- William E. Arias. December 1987. Ability of an Environmental Escherichia coli Isolate to Survive and Multiply in Algal Exudates of Tropical Microbial Epilithic Communities. Biology, UPR-Rio Piedras. Currently: Professor, Interamerican University, San Juan, PR
- Erin Kelly. November 2021. Earth & Planetary Sciences. Influence of Physical Variability of Highly Weathered Sedimentary Rock on Nitrate in Area 3 of the ENIGMA Field Research Site at Y-12. University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Currently: Staff Hydrogeologist with Haley & Aldrich
- Emma R. Dixon. July 2020. Environmental Engineering. High-Resolution Timeseries Analysis of Dynamic Geochemistry: A 27-Well Survey of Contaminated Groundwater Downstream of the former S-3 Ponds, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Civil & Environmental Engineering. University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Currently: EPA internship
- Benjamin Adams. December 2018. Hydrogeology. Hydraulic Response to Emulsified Vegetable Oil Biostimulation: In-Situ Test in a Highly Heterogenous Uranium Contaminated Aquifer. Earth & Planetary Sciences Department. University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Currently: Staff geoscientist III at Environmental Standards, Inc.
- Katherine McBride. August 2018. Microbiology. Microbial Memory Response: Observing History-Dependent Adaptation to Repeated Exposures of Emulsified Vegetable Oil in a Contaminated Aquifer. Microbiology Department. University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Currently: Lab technician at University of Michigan
- Arleen J. López-Torres. September 1982. The Ecology of Klebsiella pneumoniae in Aquatic Habitats of Puerto Rico. Biology, UPR-Rio Piedras. Currently Professor, University of Puerto Rico, Bayamon, PR.
- Carlos F. Aranda. September 1982. The Ecology of Freshwater Zootychoplankton in the Mameyes River, Puerto Rico. Biology, UPR-Rio Piedras. Currently: Asociación de Ecología y Conservación, Lima, Peru
- Martha Carrillo. September 1983. Evaluation of Bifidobacteria as a Potential Indicator of Human Fecal Pollution in Tropical Freshwater Aquatic Systems. Biology, UPR-Rio Piedras. Currently: Phoenix, AZ
- Nerybelle Pérez Rosas. January 1984. Distribution and Survival of Vibrio spp. in Tropical Freshwater and Marine Environments. Biology, UPR-Rio Piedras. Currently: San Juan, PR
- Ileana López de Cardona. December 1984. Survival of Poliovirus in Tropical Waters. Biology, UPR-Rio Piedras. Currently: ?
- Carmen Ortiz Roque. April 1986. Distribution of Legionella in the Waters of Puerto Rico. Biology, UPR-Rio Piedras Currently: Physician San Juan, PR
- Jesús Santiago Mercado. October 1986. Comparison of Four Membrane Filter Methods and the MPN Method for Detection and Enumeration of Fecal Coliform Bacteria in Tropical Waters. Biology, UPR-Rio Piedras. Currently: Professor Universidad Metropolitano, San Juan, PR.
- Yazmín A. Rojas. February 1987. Distribution and Survival of Potentially Pathogenic Bacteria in Treated and Untreated Rum Distillery Effluents. Biology, UPR-Rio Piedras. Currently:Professor University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, PR
- Jorge W. Santo Domingo. April 1987. Comparison of the In Situ Survival Rates and Cell Activity of the Indicators of Water Fecal Contamination Streptococcus faecalis and Escherichia coli in Tropical Marine Waters.Biology, UPR-Rio Piedras. Currently:Scientist US EPA Cinicinnati, OH.
- Evelyn E. Elías Montalvo. April 1987. Survival of Yersinia enterocolitica in Tropical Freshwater and Evaluation of a Fluorescent Antibody Method for Detection of this Bacterium in Water and Food Sources. Biology, UPR-Rio Piedras. Currently: Site Training & Development Manager, Human Resources, Amgen, Juncos, PR.
- Susan Joyner C. Rivera. July 1987. Autecology of Vibrio vulnificus and Vibrio parahaemolyticus in Tropical Waters. Biology, UPR-Rio Piedras. Currently: Florida
- Norma E. Cruz Cruz. July 1987. In situ Survival and Plasmid Transfer Studies of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Strains in Tropical Fresh Waters. Biology, UPR-Rio Piedras. Currently:?
- Madeline Bermúdez. July 1987. Use of DNA-DNA Hybridization and Determination of the Mol % G+C for the Genetic Analysis of Environmental Isolates of Escherichia coli from Tropical Waters. Biology, UPR-Rio Piedras. Currently: Pharmaceutical Industry in PR
- Abigail Negrón Alvíra. July 1987. Isolation and Enumeration of Legionella spp. in Cooling Tower Waters in the Tropics.Biology, UPR-Rio Piedras. Deceased 1994.
- José Marcos Soto Muñiz. February 1989. Evaluation of Total Coliform, Fecal Coliform, and Fecal Streptococci as Adequate Indicators in Monitoring Public Water Supply Quality in the Tropics. Biology, UPR-Rio Piedras. Currently: PR Sewer Authority
- Geralyne López de Victoria. February 1989. Chemotactic Behavior of Deep Subsurface Bacteria Toward Carbohydrates, Amino Acids and a Chlorinated Alkene. Biology, UPR-Rio Piedras. Currently: Professor and Chair, Midlands Technical College, Columbia, SC
- Rachael O’Brien. May 1999. PCB contaminated soil chemical and biological treatment. University of California at Berkeley, Environmental Engineering. Currently:?
- Marla L. Miller. May 2000. Cr contaminated soil. University of California at Berkeley, Environmental Engineering. Currently: Chemist US Army Corps of Engineers, San Francisco.
- Michael R. Greenberg. August - December 2002. Metals in landfills. University of California at Berkeley, Environmental Engineering. Consulting engineer. Levine Fricke, Emeryville, CA.
- Kati Ayers. August 2013 MS in Earth & Planetary Sciences, University of Tennessee. Advisors Larry McKay & Alice Layton but worked in Hazen Lab from 3/12-8/13.
Thesis Committees
- Deni Ribicic. Started 1/2015. Ph.D. Student. TBD. Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and SINTEF, Department of Marine Environmental Technology. Advisor: ?
- Joy Buongiorno. Started 12/2014. Ph.D. Student. TBD. Microbiology, University of Tennessee. Advisor: Karen Lloyd.
- Jordan Bird. Started 8/2014. Ph.D. Student. TBD. Microbiology, University of Tennessee. Advisor: Karen Lloyd.
- Yi Yang. Started 2/2014. Ph.D. Student. Chlorinated solvents. Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Tennessee. Advisor: Frank Löffler.
- Burcu Simsir. Started 2/2014. Ph.D. Student. Chlorinated solvents. Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Tennessee. Advisor: Frank Löffler.
- Xiangfeng (Shawn) Zeng. Started 9/2013. Ph.D. Student. PAH and toxicity. Chinese Academy of Science. Advisor: .
- Nikaela Flournoy. Started 3/2013. Ph.D. Student. TBD. (University of Alabama). Advisor: Patty Sobecky.
- Si Chen. Started 2/4/13. Ph.D. Student. Advisor: Quiang He.
- Dara Goodheart. Started 9/1/09. Ph.D. Student. Department of Plant & Microbial Biology, University of California at Berkeley. Advisor: Mary Firestone.
- Steve Higgins. Started 12/16/12. Ph.D. Student. Department of Microbiology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Advisor: Frank Loeffler.
- Terri Brown. Started 7/11/12. Ph.D. Student. Department of Earth & Planetary Science, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Advisor: Annette Engel.
- Kathleen Brannen. Started 8/29/12. Ph.D. Ph.D. Student. Department of Earth & Planetary Science, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Advisor: Annette Engel.
- Caroline Dietz. Started 7/20/12. M.S. Student. Department of Earth & Planetary Science, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Advisor: Annette Engel.
- Chanda Drennen. Started 7/20/12. Ph.D. Student. Department of Earth & Planetary Science, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Advisor: Annette Engel.
- Sagar Utturkar. Started 8/1/12. Ph.D. Student. Graduate School of Genome Science and Technology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Advisor: Steve Brown.
- Rajeshwari S. Chikramane, Started 8/1/07. Ph.D. Student, George Mason University. Advisor: Carol Litchfield (deceased)?
- Prateek Pannu. 2001. MS. Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California at Berkeley
- Jana Sitte. 2009. Ph.D. Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Institute of Ecology.
- Miguel Sastre. Ph.D. University of Puerto Rico.
- Noemi Santiago de Wiel. Ph.D. University of Puerto Rico.
- Isabella Alamilla, Fall 2019-2020, University of Tennessee. Currently: UTK Student Health Center.
- Eriko Gorden, Spring 2017-2020, University of Tennessee. Currently: Dental student at UCLA.
- Emma Dixon, 2017, University of Tennessee. Currently MS Student, University of Tennessee
- Sheridan Brewer, 2013-2017, University of Tennessee. Currently MS Student, University of Georgia
- Megan Patterson, Summer 2015-2015, University of Tennessee.
- Benjamin Adams. 2014-2015. University of Tennessee. Currently MS Student, University of Tennessee.
- Amanda Garcia de Matos Amaral, Spring 2015, University of Tennessee Foreign Exchange Student BSMP (Brazil Scientific Mobility Program), Federal University of Bahia, Salvador – BA, Brazil
- Anthony Rossi, Summer 2015, REU Student. Birmingham-Southern College.
- Kendall Whitt. Fall 2014-2015. University of Tennessee.
- Damani Driver. 2013-2015. University of Tennessee.
- Britney Dietenne. 2014-2015. University of Tennessee.
- Katie Fitgerald. 2014-2015. University of Tennessee. Currently HERE Program ORNL
- Shane Hagen. 2014-2015. University of Tennessee. Currently MD program at UT Memphis
- Noor Alishibi. 2012-2014. University of Tennessee. Currently MD program at UT Memphis
- Savannah Stelling. 2013-2014. University of Tennessee. Currently MPH program at Columbia University
- Kaela O’Dell. 2013-2014. University of Tennessee. Currently Research Associate at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Austin Harris. 2013-2014. University of Tennessee.
- Djibril Niang. Summer 2014. REU Student. Georgia State University
- Kristen Corrier. 2013-2014. University of Tennessee.
- Tyler Wadzinski. 2014. University of Tennessee.
- Jace Natzke. 2013. University of Tennessee.
- Amer Nazeeh Aqqad. 2013. Currently: University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN.
- Pauline Hanset, summer 2013: Currently: Undergraduate, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA.
- Shital Chauhan, 2013: Currently: Undergraduate, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN.
- Sophie Dilek, summer 2013: Currently: Undergraduate, Smith College, MA.
- Winnie Kam, 2005-2008: Currently: graduate school.
- Tiffany G. Wong. 2007-2009. Currently: Ph.D. student in Pharmacy, Touro College, New York, NY.
- Chin Man (Ambrose) Leung. 2007-2009. Currenlty: Research Associate in Physical Biosciences Division, LBNL.
- Yuk Man (Kevin) Lei. 2006-2008. Currently: Ph. D. Student.
- Lydia Suet Fan Chan. 2006-2008. Currently: Consumer Safety Officer, USFDA.
- Amala Shetty. 2008-2010. Currently: unknown
- Catherine Chiang. 2006-2009. Currenlty: graduate school
- Natalie Tam. 2010. UC Berkeley student.
- Swati Chaundry 2008-2010. Currently: graduate school
- Joyce Chou, 2007-2919. Currenlty: graduate school
- Bonita R. Lam. 2009. Currently: Tech II, ESD, LBNL.
- Hannah Woo. 2009. Currently: Tech II, PBD, LBNL.
- Darcie Long. 2007-2010. Currently: Ph.D. student John Hopkins University
- Jenny Liu. 2009-2011. Currently: Tech II, ESD, LBNL.
- Carlos Rivera. 2007. Currently: Ph.D. student.
- Elizabeth Padilla, 2007, Currenlty: Ph.D student, UTK
- Jessica Montalvo. 2006. Currenlty: industry PR
- Loyda Mendez. 2006. Currently: Ph.D. student, UCLA.
- Alicia White. 2005. Currently Alicia Cushman, Energy Assesment Manager, enXco, San Diego, CA
- Herman Liu. 2010-2011. UC Davis student.
- Mathew Chow. 2010-2011. UC Berkeley student.
- Troy Hodges. 2010-2011. UC Berkeley student.
- Amy Liu. 2011. UC Berkeley student.
- Belle Smith. 2010-2011. UC Davis student.
- Angelica Pettenato. 2010-2011. UC Berkeley student.
- Luis Espinoza, 2001-2003. Currenlty: Industry
- Siu Pan (Ben) Lam. June 2005-August 2008. Stress responses in Desulfovibrio vulgaris and Shewanella oniedensis. University of California at Berkeley, Chemical Engineering, Graduated May 2008. Currently: Ph.D. student USC.
- Megan Shelby. June 2006-August 2008. Desulfovibrio vulgaris stress responses. Subsequently: LBNL Research Associate in PBD with Yachandra lab. Currently: PhD candidate in Chemistry at Northwestern University
- Yoshihiro (Yoshi) Katsuura. June 2006-August 2008. Stress responses in Desulfovibrio vulgaris and Shewanella oniedensis. University of California at Berkeley, Chemical Engineering, Graduated May 2008. Currently: Technician University of Utah.
- Yaucin Chavarria. Currently: Tech II, ESD, LBNL then unknown.
- Ernie X. Perez Almodovar. June 2006-August 2006. Molecular microbial ecology of UXO contaminated marine environments. University of Puerto Rico at Mayaquez, Industrial Biotechnology. FAST Program Summer intern. Currently: in Ph.D. program in Spain.
- Natalia M. Ramos. June 2006-August 2006. Molecular microbial ecology of UXO contaminated marine environments. University of Puerto Rico at Mayaquez, Industrial Biotechnology. FAST Program Summer intern. Currently: in Ph.D. program at UCSF
- Karen Webster. June 2005-August 2005. Stress responses in Desulfovibrio vulgaris to Cr and other stressers. University of California at Berkeley, Chemical Engineering, Graduated May 2006. Currently: Engineering Analyst, National Renewable Energy Lab,
- Natalie Katz. June 2004-June 2005. Stress responses in Desulfovibrio vulgaris and Shewanella oniedensis. San Franciso State University, Intern CSSE. Currently: in MD/Ph.D. program - neuropathology.
- Alicia White. 2002. James Madison University.
- Josue Malave-Orengo. 2003. University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez.
- Ramon Martinez-Santiago. 2003. University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez.
- Natalia Ramos. 2006. University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez. Currently: PhD UC San Francisco.
- Ernie X. Pérez Almodóvar. 2006. University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez.
- Elizabeth Padilla. 2002. University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez. Ph.D. at University of Tennessee.
- Jenny Liu. 2008. University of California at Berkeley.
- Felix Santiago. 2002. University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez
- Heyda Ortiz. 1987. University of Puerto Rico
- Carmen Hernández Rivera. 1986. University of Puerto Rico.
- Sylvia Davila. 1987. University of Puerto Rico.
- Carmen Hernández. 1987. University of Puerto Rico.
- Wanda Morales Hernández. 1987. University of Puerto Rico.
- Miguel Pérez Rodríguez. 1987. University of Puerto Rico.
- Michol Martínez Rodríguez. 1987. University of Puerto Rico.
- Eleana Biamón. 1981. University of Puerto Rico.
- Fernando Rivera Ramos. 1981. University of Puerto Rico.
- Nerybelle Pérez Rosas. 1981. University of Puerto Rico.
- Mariangelo Marrero Aquino. 1980. University of Puerto Rico.
- James Morales Morales. 1980. University of Puerto Rico.
- Laura Valdes-Mora. 1982. University of Puerto Rico.
- Clara Fuentes Bustamante. 1981. University of Puerto Rico.
- Evelyn Elias. 1981. University of Puerto Rico.
- Susan Joyner de Rivera. 1982. University of Puerto Rico.
- Maria Guera. 1982. University of Puerto Rico.
- Marie Collazo. 1982. University of Puerto Rico.
- Lisa Almodovar Vona. 1982. University of Puerto Rico.
- Eddie Estrada Velazquez. 1981. University of Puerto Rico.
- Luis Baez Morales. 1983. University of Puerto Rico.
- Endy Rosado Rosario. 1983. University of Puerto Rico.
- Monserrate Cerezo Caballero. 1983. University of Puerto Rico.
- Madelaine Bermudez Maldonado. 1983. University of Puerto Rico.
- Fernando Santos Ramirez. 1983. University of Puerto Rico.
- Terrecita Rodriguez Alonso. 1983. University of Puerto Rico.
- Hector Moreno Acosta. 1984. University of Puerto Rico.
- Orlando Rivera Opia. 1984. University of Puerto Rico.
- Laura Rivera Crespo. 1985. University of Puerto Rico.
- Petra Rojas. 1985. University of Puerto Rico.
- Tomas Lugo Chinchilla. 1985. University of Puerto Rico.
- Ebless Baez Alers. 1985. University of Puerto Rico.
- Evelyn Cruz Pastrana. 1985. University of Puerto Rico.
- Dr. Jiang Zhu. November 2012-November 2013. Chromium and metal reducers in deep-sea environmets. Central South China University, Changsha, China. China Scholar Program. Curently:
- Dr. Arturo Massol-Deya. June 2006-2008. Molecular microbial ecology of UXO contaminated marine environments. University of Puerto Rico at Mayaquez, Department of Biology. FAST Program (DOE/NSF). Curently:
- Emily J. Dulde. July 2005-August 2006. Summer High School Teacher developed teaching modules for bioremediation, biodegradation, and land fill issues. Currently: Milwaukee, WI High School at
- Dr. Carlos Rios Velazquez. June 2003-August 2004. Microbial ecology of aerobic landfills. University of Puerto Rico at Mayaquez, Department of Biology. FAST Program (DOE/NSF). Curently:
- Virginia Osborne-Gutierrez. 2000.
- Dr. Lisa Alvarez-Cohen. University of California at Berkeley.
- Dr. Steve Lindow. University of California at Berkeley.
- Dr. John Coates. University of California at Berkeley.
- Dr. Mary Firestone. University of California at Berkeley.
- Dr. William J. Oswald. 2007. University of California at Berkeley.
- Stacy Miranda. 2002. Merced Community College.