Hazen Lab Masthead
Lab Director

Dr. Terry C. Hazen
UT/ORNL Governor's Chair Professor

Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Dept. of Microbiology
Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Genome Science and Technology
Bredesen Center

The University of Tennessee
Office: 325 John D. Tickle Engineering Building
Office: 851 Neyland Drive
Office: 507 SERF
Lab: 729 SERF
Knoxville, Tennessee 37996-2313
Cell: 707-631-6763
Phone: 865-974-7709
E-mail: tchazen@utk.edu

Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Office: 327 JIBS
Lab: 316 JIBS


(5 patents issued, 9 patents filed, 13 disclosures) 

  1. Hazen, T. C., B. B. Looney, S. Pfiffner, T. J. Phelps, J. Borthen, and K. Lombard.  Apparatus and Method for Phosphate-Accelerated Bioremediation.  U. S. Patent # 5,753,109.  Issued May 19, 1998.
  2. Kastner, J., B. B. Looney, T. C. Hazen, K. H. Lombard.  Gas phase nutrient addition to enhance biofiltration of gaseous pollutants.  SRS-96-0092.  WSRC recommended filing for patent 10/3/96.
  3. Looney, B. B., T. C. Hazen, S. Pfiffner, T. J. Phelps, J. Borthen, and K. Lombard.  Method for Phosphate-Accelerated Bioremediation U. S. Patent #5,480,549.  Issued January 2, 1996.
  4. Hazen, T. C., S. Hill, and K. Lombard.  SRS sOILs Bioremediation Facility (SRS-92-0410).  WSRC Patent Committee decided not to file.
  5. Hazen, T. C., and C. B. Fliermans.  Bioremediation of Contaminated Groundwater (SRS-92-047).  Disclosure 11/19/91.  Submitted U. S. Patent Office 2/92.  Allowed by US Patent Office 6/28/94, Issued 01/24/95,  US Patent #5384048.
  6. McCabe, D. and T. C. Hazen.  LAL as a Bacteria Detector to Predict the Bacterial Fouling Capacity of Influent Water on Filters (SRS-92-040).  Disclosure 11/12/91.  WSRC Patent Committee decided not to file.
  7. Hazen, T. C., R. E. Long, and C. B. Fliermans.  Sediment Microbial Reinoculation Chamber (SRS 90-062).  Disclosure 2/7/90.  WSRC Patent Committee did not recommend patent application because enforcement would be difficult 3/22/90.
  8. Hazen, T. C.  Chemotactic Selection of Pollutant Degrading Soil Bacteria (SRS 89-027).  U.S. Patent #5324661, issue date 6/28/94.
  9. Hazen, T. C., and G. López de Victoria.  Method and System for Enhancing Microbial Motility.  U.S. Patent #5326703, issue date 7/05/94.
  10. Hazen, T. C., and L. Jiménez.  Concentration of DNA from water using positively charged filters (S-66389).  Disclosure 8/1/88.  Patent applied for 6/2/89.  Application abandoned by DOE 1/93.